Our Vision
Christ Community Health Coalition’s aim is for every person in southwest Oklahoma City to have access to high quality nutrition, health education, medical care, and spiritual support that is centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We have seen glimpses of this with our current patients. Our patient families no longer have to worry about waiting hours to be seen or working with a provider who does not know the patient or the family well. Our Spanish-speaking families do not have to deal with language or cultural barriers to medical care as we have in-house interpreters available at all times.
Additionally, the clinic allows us opportunities to invite indigenous students and professionals in medical fields to join in our work, and we are able to pursue our goal of promoting health education and advocacy in our community. Our patients know we care about their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being because we believe in Jesus (who cares deeply about the health/wholeness of every person) and follow his commands. We hope our genuine care for families will cause a ripple effect of people flourishing because of Christ’s healing love.
Dream to Reality
The story of Hilltop Clinic first starts with the story of Christ Community Church. In June of 2010 a few friends felt God calling them to plant a church and move into the neighborhood of southwest Oklahoma City, bringing the love of Jesus with them. What started as a few friends meeting in a living room on Sunday mornings has become a church dedicated to seeing the Kingdom of God advancing throughout its community through prayer, teaching, and fellowship.
As the members of Christ Community Church continued meeting their neighbors, sharing the gospel, and engaging with the community, they began seeing several common problems, one of which was poor healthcare. Looking at the skill sets represented among the members, with several in the medical field, it became clear God could be calling them to love their neighbors through providing a quality medical ministry. Thus, Christ Community Health Coalition was born in December of 2014. From January 2015 to November 2020, we had a weekly free clinic for children and a monthly free clinic for adults.